You need to register to have access to CS Portneuf ESL educational consultant’s website. On Emilie’s ESL playground, you’ll find vairous activites for ESL elementary students. Many activities include technologies, as she is also a RECIT educational consultant .
Back to online teaching (again!). You don’t know where to start. This website is for you! The authors ask that we do not publish their website on social media and keep all the original author’s names on the projects that you will be using.
You’re teaching Special Needs students. A group of ESL and special education teachers got together to create material that caters to students with special needs. You’ll find many interesting resources here.
The RECIT offers many activities to be done with ICTs.
This website gives you access to various resources about vocabulary, grammar and verb tenses. It includes notions learned in elementary school . Thus, it provides students with an opportunity to review them! It also includes links toward other great resources (websites, YouYube videos). It suggests great tricks to help students improve! Most of the information is written in French.
This website is to share with your students and their parents. It was created by Emilie Racine. Students can practice and learn through various online games & song. Some writing prompts are suggested. Videos about some grammatical points are offered. An brief overview of the cycle one as well as the cycle two and three programs are offered.
This website is for our CSSBE high school colleagues. 🙂